Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Ok, so I've been a slacker.

Here's the skinny...

A couple months ago I was making spaghetti [[it was delicious, of course]]. However, when I went to pour the noodles into the colander, I tipped the pot the wrong way and the water splashed up onto my stomach - OUCH. I immediately put the pot aside and ran out to my pool... which I stayed in for about 40 seconds... it made the burn feel better but the rest of my body was freezing. I didn't cry - not for a couple of weeks, when it started to ... ooze?

This photo is about 3 weeks after the fact... yeah it hurt really badly. :(

Now, its just a pink scar that I'm sure will fade. But it was pretty angry for a while - I couldn't even work very much and had to take some painkillers to make it feel better.

In September, I went to the beach with my buddy Eva for the day... it was the most relaxing day of my life.

Halloween was terrible. I HATE Halloween. It's just an excuse to look like a slut and not get made fun of... except I always make fun of the "sexy nurse" and the "sexy ... whatever"

Ran into some friends over that weekend, though.

Shay is a Pageant Girl, I'm pretty sure she won Miss Bakersfield. She's pretty sweet.

Other than that, not a whole lot. I saw WAY to many Jokers over Halloween weekend... I really really dislike faces painted like clowns. You never know what their real expression is. !

Still looking for a job.
peace easy.


LeslieK said...

LoL Keith was the joker too, after we saw The Office Halloween episode, I was like, are you sure? That's going to be a popular one!

Holy cow! Your burn is WAY bigger than I imagined!!! I have the solution...put Melaluca ointment on it!!


Pollock Palooza said...

Yucky, yucky, yuck-Y! I'll try to remember NOT to do that one, but chances are high something like that would TOTALLY happen to me. I tell the kids not to spill and the other day Kennedy looked at me and said, "but mom you spill all the time". Thanks a lot:)